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Online Certification

Why should you consider the Online Youth Engagement and Leadership Development (YELD) Facilitator Certification?

The YELD online certification provides a much-needed service in an industry that has few ongoing professional development opportunities for the typical youth worker.

The YELD online certification equips youth workers, coaches, and professionals with practical knowledge, hands-on tools, and relevant resources to promote positive behavior change.

The YELD online certification course is accessible anytime and from anywhere.

Facilitator Certification

Why should you consider the new NECA Youth Engagement and Leadership (YELD) Facilitator Certification?

Nothing is more important than having the best skills for helping our youth learn the ropes for personal success, and for being ready to address the demands of our society as young adults.

The Youth Engagement and Leadership Development Facilitator (YELD) Certification is an evidence-based, professional development; youth focused course that addresses personal leadership, positive behaviors, and skills employers identify as essential.

Learn More About Becoming a YELD Faciliator

$1295 (includes Assessment & Curriculum)
10 weeks - Online Instruction

Payment options available through PayPal

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Youth Engagement and Leadership Development Facilitators have a passion for working with young people.


Youth Engagement and Leadership Development Facilitators engage youth in self- leadership, critical thinking, and work readiness skills.


Youth Engagement and Leadership Development Facilitators work with the youth to identify their passion and purpose.


Youth Engagement and Leadership Development Facilitators help to prepare youth for personal achievement and life-long success.

Like what you're learning GET STARTED TODAY!

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